When is a good time to start Judo?
The best time to start Judo is when you're a young child. The second best time is RIGHT NOW!
The fact that you may be out of shape is one more reason for doing Judo, not against it. As with any other martial art, Judo is not just for people who are strong and in good shape, it's for people who want to become stronger and in better shape.
When you consider the 5 maxims of Judo: CHARACTER, SINCERITY, EFFORT, ETTIQUETTE AND SELF CONTROL you will come to fully understand the respect which is expected of a Kano family member:
- Arrive at least 10-15 minutes before class is due to start.
- Be fully dressed 5 minutes before class is due to start.
- If you cannot attend or are going to be late, inform your coach at least an hour or two prior to class starting
- Ensure your Gi is washed after every class, or that you have a spare Gi to alternate between classes
- Ensure that you shower and use deodorant or roll-on prior to arriving
- Brush your teeth or chew chewing gum prior to class starting. Ensure you discard it prior to walking on the mat!
- Trim your nails short on a regular basis and remove all jewellery, glasses, sunglasses and especially piercings. No-one wants a nasty scratch or torn ear lobe!
- Ensure that your hair is tied up with a non-metal/plastic band.
- No metal or plastic hair clips
- Females: no underwire-bras. This is potentially dangerous for yourself, and your Uke. Only wear a sports bra and a comfortable t-shirt under your Gi
- No eating or drinking on the mat.
- Arrive in flip flops, shoes or slippers. NO dirty feet on the mat please
- NO shoes or flip flops on the mat
- Ensure you bring your own water bottle
- Wear your correct colour belt that you have earned during grading.
- When getting onto the mat, bow towards the mat.
- When lining up, stand according to belt-rank. Black belts at the end, then brown, then purple, then blue..green..orange..yellow then white.
- When sitting down, left knee first, then right. No crossed feet.
- Getting up: right leg first, then left knee
- No leaving the mat without your Sensei's permission
- When leaving the mat, bow towards the mat.
- When class is done, Sensei gets up first, then Senpai (assistant coaches), then black belts, then brown, purple, blue, green, orange, yellow and then white belts.
- Always thank your opponent, even if you've lost your fight
- Never swear or talk badly to your opponent (on or off the mat)
- You will respect any higher grade, regardless of their age
- Never argue with your Sensei. If you have an issue, discuss it in person
- Judo related talk is acceptable on the mat. Social chatting is not. You are there to learn.
- Your Sensei only commands once. Non-compliance at your own (or the class's!) peril. The class will thank you later ;)
- Always be humble in victory
- Learn from your mistakes
When do I qualify to join the Senior class?
When your Sensei feels you are ready to handle the rigour that these classes entail. Each person is different and qualify by their commitment and standards
What payment methods are available for payment of monthly class fees?
EFT or Cash